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Astral Chain

A unique blend of chill electronica, dramatic orchestra, and energizing metal from Satoshi Igarashi's soundtrack to Astral Chain.

Track list

1  Opening Theme ........... Menu
2  Light World Overworld ... Maison Forest
3  Rain State Overworld .... Pursuit
4  Bunny Overworld ......... Hal's Hideout
5  Lost Woods .............. Harmony Media Center
6  Prologue ................ Creation
7  Kakariko ................ Task Force Neuron
8  Portal .................. File Introduction
9  Dark World Overworld .... Zone 35 - Grand Avenue
10 Pull Pedestal ........... Legion Binded
11 File Select ............. Task Force Computer
12 Guards Summoned ......... Human Fight
13 Dark Death Mountain ..... Astral Plane
14 Minigame ................ Lappy Mini-Game
15 Dark Forest ............. Investigation
16 Castle .................. Pursuit
17 Light World Dungeon ..... Central City / Central City (Combat Phase)
18 Cave .................... Mission Briefing
19 Boss Victory ............ Legion Binded
20 Sanctuary ............... Garage
21 Boss .................... Legion Assault
22 Dark World Dungeon ...... Zone 9 - Midnight (Combat Phase)
23 Shop/Fortune Teller ..... Hal
24 Cave 2 .................. Sadness
26 Crystal Cutscene ........ File Report Background
27 Fairy Fountain .......... Neuron HQ
28 Agahnim's Theme ......... Chasing Jena
29 Ganon Reveals Himself ... Be Careful
30 Agahnim's Theme 2 ....... Chasing Jena
31 Ganon Fight ............. Jena Anderson
32 Triforce Room ........... Flashback
33 Ending Sequence ......... Fragments of Hope
34 Credits ................. Dark Hero / Menu
35 Eastern Palace .......... Central City / Central City (Combat Phase)
36 Desert Palace ........... Zone 9 - Daytime (Combat Phase)
37 Agahnim's Tower ......... Emergency
38 Swamp Palace ............ Ark Sewer Management / Ark Sewer Management (Combat Phase)
39 Palace of Darkness ...... Ark Mall / Ark Mall (Combat Phase)
40 Misery Mire ............. Zone 9 - Midnight (Combat Phase)
41 Skull Woods ............. Stealth Mission
42 Ice Palace .............. Unused Area Theme #1 / Unused Area Theme #1 (Combat Phase)
43 Tower of Hera ........... Hermit Hideout
44 Thieves' Town ........... Harmony Square Station / Harmony Square Station (Combat Phase)
45 Turtle Rock ............. Unused Area Theme #2 (Combat Phase)
46 Ganon's Tower ........... Aegis Research Institute (Third Phase)
47 Armos Knights ........... Awakening
48 Lanmola ................. Hermit Training
49 Agahnim 1 ............... Rush!!
50 Arrghus ................. Noah Core
51 Helmasaur King .......... Homunculus Gamma
52 Vitreous ................ Invaders from Another World
53 Mothula ................. Legion Assault
54 Kholdstare .............. Chimera Takedown
55 Moldorm ................. Homunculus Alpha
56 Blind the Thief ......... The Holy Order of the Digital Hermit
57 Trinexx ................. Homuncuulus Beta
58 Agahnim 2 ............... Yoseph Calvert
59 Ganon's Tower Ascent .... The Last Corridor
60 Light World 2 ........... Maison Forest (Combat Phase)
61 Dark World 2 ............ Zone 35 - Grand Avenue (Combat Phase)