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Sonic Robo Blast 2

Music from the free Sonic the Hedgehog fangame "Sonic Robo Blast 2," version 2.2. SRB2 is a fangame built on top of the Doom Legacy sourceport.

The soundtrack of Sonic Robo Blast 2 is also available on SoundCloud.

Track list

Track 1: Opening Title - Title Screen
Track 2: Hyrule Field - Greenflower Zone, Act 1
Track 3: Rain - Tempest Valley Zone (The Mystic Realm)
Track 4: Silly Pink Rabbit - Orbital Hangar Zone ("Doomship Zone")
Track 5: Lost Woods - Verdant Forest Zone (The Mystic Realm)
Track 6: Prologue - Introduction Cutscene
Track 7: Kakariko Village - Jade Coast Zone (The Mystic Realm)
Track 8: Mirror -  Teleport Monitor/Teleporter sound effect
Track 9: Dark World - Castle Eggman Zone, Act 1
Track 10: Master Sword Fanfare - Good Ending
Track 11: File Select/Game Over - Character Select
Track 12: Soldiers of Kakariko Village - The bridge is collapsing! (Castle Eggman Zone 1 bridge sequence)
Track 13: Dark Death Mountain - Aerial Garden Zone (The Mystic Realm)
Track 14: Minigame - Old Special Stage (track goes unused in v2.2)
Track 16: Hyrule Castle - Cavern Fortress Zone
Track 17: Pendant Dungeon - Greenflower Zone, Act 2
Track 18: Cave 1 - Mine Maze Zone (track goes unused in v2.2)
Track 19: Boss Fanfare - Act Clear
Track 20: Sanctuary - Nimbus Ruins Zone
Track 21: Boss Battle - VS Dr. Eggman
Track 22: Crystal Dungeon - Castle Eggman Zone, Act 2
Track 23: Fortune Teller/Shop - Tutorial
Track 24: Zelda Rescue - [NOT USED DUE TO RANDO]
Track 26: Maiden Cutscene - Chaos Emerald sound effect
Track 27: Fairy Fountain - Azure Temple Zone
Track 28: Aganhim 1 Monologue - Anticipation (Without Intro at the start)
Track 29: Release of Ganon - Brak Eggman laughing sound effect, originally from the Sonic the Hedgehog OVA
Track 30: Ganon Monologue - Anticipation
Track 31: Ganon Battle - VS Brak Eggman
Track 32: Triforce Room - Multiplayer Intermission
Track 33: Epilogue - Super Sonic
Track 34: Credits - Credits

Extended Track List:
Track 15: Dark Woods - [NOT USED]
Track 35: Eastern Palace - Greenflower Zone, Act 2
Track 36: Desert Palace - Arid Canyon Zone, Act 1
Track 37: Agahnim's Tower - [NOT USED]
Track 38: Swamp Palace - Deep Sea Zone, Act 1
Track 39: Palace of Darkness - Castle Eggman Zone, Act 2
Track 40: Misery Mire - Arid Canyon Zone, Act 2
Track 41: Skull Woods - Haunted Heights Zone
Track 42: Ice Palace - Frozen Hillside Zone
Track 43: Tower of Hera - Techno Hill Zone, Act 1
Track 44: Thieves' Town - Magma Caves Zone
Track 45: Turtle Rock: Red Volcano Zone, Act 1
Track 46: Ganon's Tower: Egg Rock Zone, Act 2
Track 47: Eastern Palace Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 48: Desert Palace Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 49: Agahim's Tower Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 50: Swamp Palace Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 51: Palace of Darkness Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 52: Misery Mire Boss - VS Fang the Sniper
Track 53: Skull Woods Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 54: Ice Palace Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 55: Tower of Hera Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 56: Thieves' Town Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 57: Turtle Rock Boss - [NOT USED]
Track 58: Ganon's Tower Boss - VS Metal Sonic
Track 59: Ganon's Tower Climb - Egg Rock Zone, Act 2
Track 60: Hyrule Field after Pedestal - [NOT USED]
Track 61: Dark World All Crystals - [NOT USED]